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Nice Mutual Water Company-Official Website
Nice Mutual Water Company-Official Website

Projects Completed
- Purchased a generator to run the treatment plant during power outages. 2020
- Completed radio telemetry on existing tanks and pump. 2020
- New flooring installed in the office.2019
- Purchased a used work truck. 2019
- Installed aeration (pump and blower) at the Yuba tank to remove THMs. 2015
- Sand blasted and re-coated the interior of the 250,000 gal tank at Knob. 2015
- Updated SCADA PC / New PC and Software2014
- Upgrade to Treatment Plant High Service Pumps capable of at least 1,000 gpm. 2014
- New roof on Treatment Plant. Estimated cost $10,000.2014
- Reconfigured flow from Membrane and Media Filter to new Surge Tank. This will allow more production.2013
- New Truck (used) around $20,000 to be put on 2013 Budget (Equipment Fund). 2013
- Electrical work at the Treatment Plant includes cleaning up some old circuits and panels as well as cleaning up and labeling the new wiring. 2012
- Clinton Tank interior and exterior reconditioned. 2012
- Recirculator for Clarifier: Mixer motor. Up and running May 30, 2012
- Updated emergency notification and emergency response plans.2012
- Reserve account set up for special projects. July 11, 2012
Projected Projects
Projected Projects
- Radio read meters. Estimated cost $200,00 Coming in 2020
- Continue to recondition all distribution tanks including clearwell and clarifiers at treatment plant.
- Storm wall at Treatment Plant to protect Plant during high lake levels. Estimated cost $30,000.
- Remodel Lab. Estimated cost 50,000
- Second Membrane Filter. $500,000

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